The Book of Miracles
Paperback & Hardback, 295 pages
Paperback retail price: $19
65% discounted price: $6.65
Hardback retail price: $23
55% discounted price: $10.35
(min 10 copies)
Prayer of the Prophet
Paperback, color, 496 pages
Retail price: $30
55% discounted price: $13.50 (min 5 copies)
Prayer of the Prophet (Summary Edition)
Paperback, color, 174 pages
Retail price: $17
65% discounted price: $5.95 (min 10 copies)
Achieving Khushu' in Salah
Paperback, 117 pages
Retail price: $8
65% discounted price: $2.80 (min 10 copies)
Taqlid: A Fresh Approach to Examining Blind Following
Paperback, 291 pages
Retail price: $15
65% discounted price: $5.25 (min 10 copies)
Zakat Calculation
Paperback, color, 128 pages
For pricing and order, contact The Islamic Foundation (UK)
Jeeboner Kichu Kotha
Paperback, color, 98 pages (Bengali/English)
Retail price: $13 (
60% discounted price: $5.20 (min 5 copies)
Jeeboner Kichu Kotha is an autobiography and memoir in the context of traditional life in rural Bangladesh where the author grew up in the 1940s. The book also includes are her words of wisdom as a pious Muslim great-grandmother. Intended audience is her family members and their next generations, or anyone else seeking to learn about the innocent lifestyle of the 1940s that is now virtually gone forever. She also provides some spiritual advice.
The book is written in Bengali, though it has a 28-page introduction in English by the editor, the author’s 9th child, where he reminisces his own childhood.